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3 Cosmetics promulgating procedures in Vietnam you have to know

Cosmetic promulgation is essential for every business agency if they want to circulate their products widely in the market. However, new manufacturers have some difficulties in registering procedures. Refer to the below article to solve your problems.

What is cosmetic promulgation?

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The answer is that the manufacturers or agencies that import and distribute cosmetics from abroad register for circulation in Vietnam through executing necessary procedures at a competent authority or an agency for business registration.

According to Point 3 of Circular No. 06/2011 / TT-BYT, cosmetics are presented to the market only when the receipt number is available. Cosmetic manufacturing companies must have responsibility for product safety and quality. Besides, any agencies need to have a cosmetic business function in Vietnam to be eligible.

3 cosmetic promulgating procedures in Vietnam

1/ Cosmetic promulgating document

The mandatory documents in this procedure include:

The cosmetic promulgating application according to the form from the licensing agency.

Authentication copy of business registration certificate of manufacturer or distributing agency.

 If you are a distributor, you must have the original authorization letter from the cosmetic manufacturing company.

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Authentication copy of manufacturing license issued by competent authorities.

 02 CDs containing the contents of the promulgation application.

Scientific documents or manufacturer's declaration about the cosmetics' information. In particular, it should contain the specific types of ingredients, the nomenclatures, and the functions of each material.

The promulgation of imported cosmetics requires a certificate of free sale (CFS). However, this document has to satisfy the following conditions:

- Be a valid original or notarized copy issued by the host country.

- Must be consular legalized according to the law in force. 

- Besides, the fee for a promulgating document is 500,000 VND.

2/ The agency related to the cosmetic promulgation

It is crucial to determine the correct place to submit promulgating documents because it is only valid if issued by competent authorities. In particular, it is the Drug Administration of Vietnam - Ministry of Health for imported products, or the Department of Health of the province containing the factory for self-produced products. After that, the cosmetic manufacturing company or the distributing agency will promulgate the commodities on behalf of the manufactures.

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3/ The time to approve of the cosmetic promulgating document

The time to receive promulgating documents is within 03 working days. After that, the agency for business registration will be responsible for issuing the receipt number of the cosmetic product.

In case of missing any files, the receiving agency have to notice the organization or individual within 5 days. Since then, enterprises need to make over and modify the necessary documents to meet all the prescribed requirements.

After receiving the promulgating application, the manufacturer can execute cosmetic promulgation and freely distribute it to the market. The certificate's validity is 5 years from the date of issue. After the required time, if you want to continuously circulate cosmetics, you have to re-register the receipt number as prescribed.

Kizuna Vietnam - Ready-built factory for rent with professional consulting team supporting cosmetics enterprise for bussiness doccuments

Kizuna is a chain of ready serviced fatory - a new form of factory for lease in Vietnam - located in Long An, near HCMC, Vietnam. Having many years of experience in the manufacturing factory rental field, and as a pioneer in providing ready-built factory with services for enterprises, Kizuna is now preferred by many domestic and foreign enterprises. Below are the strengths which make Kizuna highly appreciated by its customers: 

- Two sources of electricity which are EVN (Vietnam Electricity) Long An and EVN HCMC with 100% full capacity and one spare solar power source. 

- Strategic location: Long An province shares borders with HCMC and is near places that are important for transportation of the South like Cat Lat Port, Tan Son Nhat international airport, Phu My Hung urban area, as well as the national roads (1A, 50) and the Ben Luc - Long Thanh highway. 

- Factories with a wide range of superficies and loads, suitably planned location for each manufacturing industry. 

- An ecosystem of more than 50 services of 7 sectors, which include: administration, human resource, accounting, maintainance, legal, environmental and IT suppoting service. These full-option services will totally support the enterprises.

- Professional staff with a good command of foreign languages (English/Korean/Japanese, etc).

With a green - clean - safe production environment in which factories are planned according to the manufacturing industry, Kizuna green industrial factory are proud to help cosmetics factory succeed sustainably. Contact Kizuna immediately to get support!

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