Kizuna expands investment in smart 300m2 factory
With the current technology trend of 4.0, Kizuna is gradually investing in smart 300m2 factory. By innovations in information technology and automation, industrial area factory will be an opportunity to experience and apply those technologies more easily for enterprises. And then the digitization process of enterprises will be accelerated.
7 Major fields of transformation in investing in smart 300m2 factory in Kizuna's industrial area factory
The investment on smart industrial park, including smart 300m2 factory of Kizuna is a change in the current state of Long An industry today. Specifically, Kizuna focuses on major transformation fields
1. Advanced manufacturing and smart products of 300m2 factory in industrial area factory
It facilitates the best facilities (infrastructure and utilities of iindustrial area factory, ...), attracts FDI in smart product manufacturing industries in advanced countries. The scale of the factory is small, 200m2 workshop 500m2 factory, 1000m2 factory, etc. but this is one of the key production sites on technology. Specifically, they are electronic components, chips of leading corporations worldwide.
2. Flexible production process smart 300m2 factory in industrial area factory
With a small factory, like 300m2 factory, the optimal design can flexibly change the space. Smart 300m2 factory will be concentrated in a common workshop area of 5-10 ha. Each factory area is protected by a 3-layer security system. Data is connected to the Digital platform to help managers easily manage remote not only 300m2 factory of industrial area factorybut also factories. It helps save big factory renting costs and operating costs.
Application of scientific technology to the system of smart 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
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3. Service specialization in 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
It is needed to change the role of providing ready-built factory products, including 300m2 factory aim at the role of service provider efficiently supporting production environment. It should be continuously improved to suit the trend and satisfy the manufacturer's needs. Employees focus on production, forming KIZUNA support service ecosystem.
4. Digital factory zone in 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
Smart industrial park in general, smart 300m2 factory of production factory in particular needs to be invested in developing IT infrastructure throughout the industrial park. This is to create a solid foundation, ready for enterprises to apply new technologies in production activities.
High-speed broadband Internet connection is shared for all factory, including 300m2 factory in industrial area factory. With the goal of digitizing all internal data, all different departments will be digitally connected in a seamless way.
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Flexible spaces ranging from 250 - 10,000 m²
The system of machines in the smart 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
5. Connect ability in 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
Data in 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
The data of smart 300m2 factory in industrial factory is stored and connected directly and virtually on the digital platform. This is done through social networks and E-Business Matching system.
Activities in 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
All activities of operation management in industrial area factory, customer service provision, related information data ... are digitized and implemented online. They are such as registration of leasing land, issuance of confirmation, payment of electrical and water fee, etc,.
6. Sustainable 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
Kizuna’s serviced factories, including smart 300m2 factory of industrial area factory, are invested with solar power system. In addition, they are equipped with 2 backup EVN power sources, the supply of lighting power for the whole area is always guaranteed. Water using for watering plants is taken from groundwater, rainwater reservoirs and landscape lakes in the area. It is encouraged to use electric bicycles in the area.
Serviced factories in smart 300m2 factory of industrial area factory
7. Smart 300m2 factory working space of industrial area factory
In smart factory of industrial area factory, employees are fully supported as possible by technology. All have the necessary training to help them work more effectively and have better health. The processing of procedures and documentation are done while sitting in the office without traveling. Fiber optic system connecting inter-area between Kizuna 1,2,3 helps data connection speed 10 times faster.
Besides, each working and production environment is newly researched and developed to create a feeling of comfort, friendly to the employees here. So, smart 300m2 factory of industrial area factory in KIZUNA is a ideal place for SMEs enterprises to choose!
Efficient production with Kizuna workshop rental planning!