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Strategic cooperation agreement signed between KIZUNA JV & VNPT Long An – Announcing that KIZUNA reaches the standard of High Tech Park’s internet infrastructure

Today, the Internet and connected devices are considered as the most basic tools for businesses to operate. Industrial 4.0 is rapidly growing in all areas of the world, deeply influencing people’s lives and the way in which the product is manufactured.

Keeping up with the development trend, KIZUNA Serviced Factory is gradually investing and developing infrastructure in the area. This is to create a solid foundation for businesses, so they can apply advanced technology in production and business activities at KIZUNA.

Strategic cooperation agreement between KIZUNA JV & VNPT Long An

The signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation agreement between Vietnam’s largest internet provider – VNPT and Kizuna JV Corporation on June 22nd, 2018 is the foundation for KIZUNA to achieve our goal.


With the viewpoint of “Together to success,” this strategic cooperation agreement is the basis for the two parties to deepen our cooperation. On the one hand, as a Serviced Factory, KIZUNA needs the latest telecommunication and IT solutions, which can be applied in the management of factory operation, and provide efficient facilities for foreign customers doing business here. On the other hand, VNPT needs potential customers to apply new services such as KIZUNA. And foreign customers with advanced technology are the most potential customer to bring the best business results for VNPT.

In addition, at the ceremony, KIZUNA JV and VNPT Long An also signed the SMS Brandname Contract to facilitate KIZUNA’s customer service.

KIZUNA reaches the standard of High Tech Park’s internet infrastructure

The most outstanding demonstration of the successful cooperation between KIZUNA JV and VNPT Long An during the past time is that KIZUNA reaches the standard of Vietnam high tech park’s internet infrastructure.

So what is the internet infrastructure standard of Vietnam high tech park?

1/ Centralized and photoconductive management of the whole connection system.

2/ There are at least 02 high speed internet lines of 02 ISPs (internet service providers).

3/ Troubleshooting time less than 2 hours.

4/ There are many IT applications in the network infrastructure.

Currently, has KIZUNA achieved all these criteria?

The answer is yes, Internet infrastructure in the KIZUNA Serviced Factory area has satisfied all the criteria mentioned above. Accompanying this, KIZUNA’s Internet parameters have also been verified at the signing ceremony as follows:

  • Internet speed test at Kizuna:
    • Domestic: reaches 126Mbps/122Mbps (down/upload)
    • Global: reaches 117Mbps/16Mbps
  • The average internet speed measured at Kizuna’s firewall
    • Internet speed: Max: 164 Mbps   Average: 76.27 Mbps
    • Number of concurrent connections: Max: 19133  Average : 8662.23

At the present, if compared to the average internet speed, KIZUNA’s internet speed is three times higher than Vietnam (25.33 Mbps) and equivalent to Japan (77.83 Mbps)

KIZUNA Serviced Factory is constantly striving to improve the products, services and infrastructure in the area to bring efficient and stable development for enterprises. The cooperation with VNPT Long An contributing to make KIZUNA reaches the standard of High Tech Park’s internet infrastructure is one of those improvements. Not just stop there, KIZUNA will launch a special mobile application in the near future, facilitating the access and operation of the KIZUNA Serviced Factory.

By Marketing Department – Kizuna JV Corporation


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