Code Service: NS-04
Code Service: NS-09A
Code Service: NS-02
Code Service: NS-13A
Code Service: NS-13B
Code Service: NS-14A
Code Service: NS-03
Code Service: NS-05
Code Service: NS-07
Code Service: NS-09B
Code Service: NS-09C
Code Service: NS-01A
Code Service: NS-11A
Code Service: NS-11B
1/ Code Service: NS-01B
2/ Purpose: [Consultation & Implementation]Organizational structure
- For new enterprise or current enterprise which have not implemented the HR management system.
- Provide consultation & assist tenant with developing suitable organizational structure with necessary departments, department functions, necessary & key positions, suitable headcount plan, and other related topics.
KIZUNA's scope of work:
1) Provide consultation & develop suitable organizational structure for tenant's enterprise
2) Prepare detailed definition for company's department functions,
3) Prepare detailed job descriptions for initial key positions (<= 10 positions)