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Top 4 medium workshop design ideas for enterprises

In order to have efficient production, in addition to investment in machinery, factory design is an important factor. A good factory model will speed up production operations quickly and effectively. So have you found out medium workshop design ideas? Let’s discover 4 types of medium workshop design in the article below with Kizuna.

Top 4 medium workshop design ideas

1. Design of medium workshop combining with office

Factory is the place where products are produced. The office is the place where data is managed and production activities are coordinated. Therefore, the design of the factory combining with office space requires close cooperation between the contractor and the investor. medium workshop design ideas must ensure that the input and output of materials must be easily transported.

Medium workshop combining between office space and production space

Working space affects the working spirit and efficiency of employees. Working productivity affects the business performance of enterprises. If the design of medium factory combining with the office is used, the investor will spend more money. Enterprises must design so that it is convenient for the production process. Besides, it is necessary to ensure an ideal working space for employees. On the other hand, this type of design helps employees monitor production progress directly. Therefore, enterprises will improve their working performance.

2. Pre-engineered steel frame in medium workshop

Pre-engineered steel frame factory is a construction work that is designed according to drawings. Parts of the factory are manufactured at the manufacturing factory, then transported to and complete assembly at the site. Design of pre-engineered steel frame factory is suitable with warehouses, supermarkets, houses, ... 

The big advantage of this idea is the possibility to expand the area to a larger size easily. At the same time, this model is easy to be transferred if the investor needs to change the location of the factory. Building small size factory with pre-engineered steel frame help you save quite a lot of money.

3. Reinforced concrete medium workshop

The outstanding feature of this industrial factory design idea is that the whole building is built of sturdy reinforced concrete. Depending on user demand, the design and selection of materials will be different.

Although the main material is reinforced concrete, the factory roof is insulated to prevent heat and noise. This construction allows the factory to withstand high production levels and environmental changes.

4. Medium workshop combining with green trees and lakes

medium workshop

Campus of medium workshop in Kizuna

This is the type of ecosystem integration design. Mentioning to the factory, we often think of places where there are only machines, dust and noise. However, with this factory design idea, workers will work in a professional factory. The environment is extremely cool thanks to the system of trees and lakes surrounding the factory.

With this design, enterprises will have to spend money to build the ecosystem surrounding the workshop. Thus, the productivity of workers is improved. Product quality and quantity will increase. This standard factory model also brings long-term efficiency for enterprises.

As mentioned, factory design in general, medium workshop design in particular, is very important to the development of an enterprise. If you still have concerns about construction ideas, let come to Kizuna. This is a partner providing the most modern service factory. Kizuna ready-built factory for rent gives enterprises modern and stable production environment.

Efficient production with Kizuna workshop rental planning!

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